What is the goal of our materials?
Maths is often thought of as difficult, boring or not very useful in life. If a young person starts thinking that they have no mathematical talent, they stop trying to understand it and justify they failure to do so with remarks on its uselessness in real life.
The international Erasmus+ Added Value programme is aimed at changing these attitudes.
How were our materials prepared?
Experts from Poland, the Netherlands, Spain and Ireland were working on the materials. We identified the needs of the European teachers and students. Based on this knowledge, we created prototypical solutions that were subsequently tested in schools in partner countries. 260 schools took part in the programme. We conducted our lessons 438 times among 5228 students.
What do the teachers say?
99% of the teachers who participated in the programme said that the materials used were engaging, foster creativity and responsibility, increase cooperation and integrate the members of the class. 96% of the teachers declared that they would be using our materials in the future.
Which age groups are the intended targets of the programme?
Our materials were prepared for students aged 10 to 14. According to the results of our tests, the materials are best suited for students aged 10-12, but they can be used with younger and older children as well.
Design Thinking
The tasks included in the materials are based on the design thinking method which consists in creating solutions based on a comprehensive needs analysis.
We invite you to watch the videos we have prepared for teachers:Find out more about the design thinking method, where it came from and why it is gaining such popularity both in business and education. You will see what does it consist of and how to avoid basic mistakes.
Learn more about the methodology of the Added value programme, see how a lesson looks like in practice, and prepare yourself to plan your own scenario!
From this series of short video clips of teachers, you will learn how to use the design thinking method not only in mathematics but also during language, art or chemistry lessons. Get ready and get inspired!
More information on the method can be found here: